Joining the Queensland Firebirds in 2020 alongside of a number of other recruits, Rudi slotted in perfectly to the team. The athletic Goalkeeper forced her way into the team during the season, featuring in 6 games in what was a terrific stepping stone into her 2021 season where she held down the GK position for 11 games. At the conclusion of the season, Rudi was presented with a 2 year offer to join the West Coast Fever where she is excited to make her mark.
Now having the experience of being part of a number of squads, including NSW Swifts,Melbourne Vixens, and Queensland Firebirds, Rudi brings terrific energy to the team and is the ultimate professional in her dedication to her training and preparation.
Having completed her degree in Journalism, Rudi has a keen interest in the media space where she hopes to continue building her profile and job opportunities.
Playing Honours:
· Australian Representative U/17, U/19, U/21
· Victorian Fury Coaches Award 2018
· Victorian Fury Premiership 2018